Collyweston Historical Society Annual General Meeting is scheduled for 14th October at 7.30pm in the village hall.
This year we will be doing things a little bit different.
Apart from completing the important matters of a finance summary by our treasurer and also a recap on the Palace Weekend, we will also be selecting the upcoming subjects to be researched for 2020 and to round things off members will be able to compete for the inaugural CHAPS trophy.
The subjects to choose from for 2020 are:
1. Has Collyweston Village Moved?
2. The Search for Collyweston Watermill.
3. Who was The White Lady of Collyweston?
4. Significant business stories
5. Colly Conversations - Interview
6. Collyweston housing solutions post WW2
7. Workhouses of north Northamptonshire
8. Village Sporting Stories
Members will be asked to pick their top 3 subjects for 2020.
Soon after members will be competing for the inaugural CHAPS trophy. The CHAPS trophy is a quiz which will be won by the member who answers the most questions. The question will b selected from subjects covered in 2019 talks.
