Debby Guthrie
Debby recently joined the organising committee as meetings

Paul Johnson
Vice Chairman
As a Stamfordian Paul has lived in Collyweston for 14 years and has a great interest in the village and its history. Paul worked in Estate Agency and property for over 40 years locally prior to retirement and is now a Sale Room assistant and Auctioneer with Golding Young Auctioneers. Paul's previous experience will enable him to enhance the work carried out by CHAPS in their investigations.
Linda Ball
Membership Secretary
Linda Ball is a Fellow of Royal Society of Arts. She was born and educated in Stamford and steeped in its history from an early age. Since retiring from an academic career in teaching and research in creative arts higher education she immersed herself in a decade-long study of the medieval friars of Stamford resulting in the publication of ‘Grey Friars Or White Friars? In Search of Stamford’s Friaries’ in 2021. She lives in Collyweston and is enjoying discovering its fascinating history and contributing to the work of the Society.