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The Evidence to Date
Below is a small example of some of the evidence that we have found to date from the site.

GPR Data showing strong lineal features across a wide complex of buildings.

Wall that match the GPR data have been unearthed.

Lidar is showing a series of ornamental ponds, terraced gardens and drainage channels

An in tact runnel - the 16th century records show this runnel being planted with Willow Trees by the side and having gates to control flow of water to the water meadows

An original 15th Century doorway from the Palace (not in situ)
John Gaters opinion
“Scrolling through the time slices creates an image of rooms or buildings within a larger structural complex. As such, it is tempting to interpret the results as being associated with a substantial structure and given the historical records, it seems a reasonable supposition to suggest these could be part of the long lost Collyweston Palace”

Various 15th Century stone mouldings found on site found in ground and recycled within nearby other buildings
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